For would-be high performers who are tired of struggling with staying organized, implementing what they learn, and making little to no progress...

For would-be high performers who are tired of struggling with limiting self-talk, directionless uncertainty, and maintaining deep focus…

Uncover what world-class entrepreneurs, artists, and mystics all know about using optimized structure, effective learning, and deliberate practice to beat impossible odds and live remarkable lives

Learn the unique “master-key” system that will teach you easy-to-use techniques
that let you bend reality in your favor in as little as 15 minutes a day.

Every day, you make a series of choices...

And with every choice you make, entering a new version of reality and becoming a better version of you becomes possible.So if you woke up tomorrow and started choosing wisely you would...✅ Know exactly what you need to do on a daily basis to accomplish your goals✅ Make use of high-value information to create high-value content, products, and services✅ Get better and better at sharpening the skills that will allow you to finally escape the MatrixBut if you’re here reading this, chances are that “would-be” version of you isn’t who you are now.Something about the way you’re living (and who you’re being) isn’t working, which means you likely...❌ Wake up struggling to know what you need to do or how you need to do it❌ Don't know where you need to look or what you need to learn to improve your situation❌ Feel like you're constantly running in place, never really moving forward and always feeling stuckIf this is who you are now…If what I’m saying sounds uncomfortably familiar…Then you have some changes to make.Because right now the only thing standing in the way of everything you’ve ever wanted… is YOU.And you might hide from that truth, even run from it, but at the end of the day, you can’t deny it.You know it’s impossible to create a life of fulfillment, wealth, and absolute abundance without a success-driven structure, intentional learning, and a highly-productive practice.

Now you're probably thinking “easier said than done…” right?

And I get that –– it feels like the gap between who you are now and who you could be is like a deep chasm with no bridge...Like forces beyond your control are conspiring to keep you from realizing your full potential…But the truth is, everything you think is holding you back is nothing more than an illusion.Living as a higher version of yourself, a version that naturally attracts every aspect of your dream life, isn’t as hard as it seems.

In fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret…

It’s a shift you can begin to make in just a few minutes, starting today

The only difference between who you are now and the intentionally ordered, expertly capable, highly productive person you're meant to be…Is just a simple change in perception, a little bit of hidden knowledge, and a couple of small but deeply impactful choices you make every day.The truth is that there is no inherent “it” factor you need in order to live a great life.There is only a key...A key that world-class entrepreneurs, highly creative artists, and deeply gifted mystics have all used to access the powers sealed behind the 3 gates of time.Powers that are available for you to unlock at any moment...

The powers of structure, learning, and practice

You simply have to make the choice to...

Develop a conducive daily structure that keeps you aligned with your highest self and most impactful mission Make full use of the knowledge and information that will allow you to develop high-value skills as quickly as possible Engage a deliberate practice that makes staying productive and getting consistent results easy and predictableThe gates and the powers they hold are right in front of you…

The key is yours to take...The only question is… Will you choose to take it?


The Key of Time

The Key of Time blends the best of what powerful ancient wisdom and modern high-performance techniques have to offer.Giving you unrestricted access to the unconventional but highly effective methods the top 1% across every industry use to...

Implement structures that accelerate personal and professional success.

Discover what knowledge is worth learning and implementing it with the least amount of time and energy possible.

Cultivate masterful performance within their day-to-day practice.

What you’ll find inside the gates...

The Key of Time opens the three gates of time: structure, learning, and practiceThrough these three gates, you’ll unlock amazing abilities that have always been inside of you (without having to meditate for 30 straight days or spend years of your life studying).

Inside the Gate of Structure

  • Understanding the benefit of creating structure that accelerates personal and professional development

  • Using structure as a tool for self-analysis and conscious living through discovering your beneficial and detrimental patterns of behavior

  • Hijacking your brain's dopamine-reward system through gamifying your structure and making routine effortlessly enjoyable

Inside the Gate of Learning

  • The importance of knowing what to learn and shortening the amount of time and energy it takes to discover it

  • Understanding learning how to learn as the masters skill, and how it improves your development in every area of life

  • The importance of consciously engaging with what you learn, actively applying it as soon as possible, and embracing mistakes

Inside the Gate of Practice

  • Practice as a means of cultivating self discovery and creating deeper internal and external understanding

  • The importance of deliberate practice and setting the intention of masterful performance within your practice

  • Practice as a means of inspiring miracles and collapsing probability in favor of your ideal

Of course, that isn't all...

Most of the above information can’t be found by a casual google or youtube search, and would be enough value by itself for me to triple the price of this offer.But I believe that everyone should not only have easy access to the knowledge of these powers but also access to simple techniques that will teach you how to wield these powers to experience results immediately.That's why I've decided to include 3 bonus exercises for each gate (that's 9 bonus exercises total).These bonus exercises come with detailed instructions that will walk you through what to do step-by-step and eliminate any guesswork.And the best part? I'm including these at absolutely no extra cost...

Gate of Structure bonus exercises:

1. The SPRINT Method
2. Solar and Lunar Activation
3. Dedicated Decompression Days

Gate of Learning bonus exercises:

1. Informational Matrix
2. High Value Skill Set Matrix
3. Active Engagement and Application

Gate of Practice bonus exercises:

1. Fundamental Engagement
2. Consistent Challenge Escalation
3. Scorched Earth Advancement

So what’s the price for changing the trajectory of your life forever..?

Much of the information presented within the Key of Time has only recently come to light.Some of it was even guarded for hundreds and in some cases thousands of years.In fact, it wasn’t uncommon for one to pay with their very life for daring to share this information with anyone outside of the highly selective inner circles.Needless to say, someone else who was inspired to create a similar offer could be justified charging hundreds, even thousands of dollars for the same information.But not me.I want to make this information as accessible to as many people as possible.That's because I genuinely believe that the path to saving the world and each other is found through becoming the highest possible version of ourselves.That’s why the Key of Time doesn’t cost thousands, hundreds, or even $50 dollars.

The Key of Time is priced after the master number

...a representation that all things are possible.The Key of Time is just $33.So everyone can become the highest possible version of themselves.

The key of time is priced after the master number

...a representation that all things are possible.The key of health is just $33.So everyone can become the highest possible version of themselves.

But don't take my word for it...

See what others who have opened the gates have to say

@lukas.official on Instagram

@jweesey on Instagram

@mattkhead on Instagram

@alexisventureiraa on Instagram

@nicojck on Instagram

@rudrarudraya on Instagram

@cindyhxy on Instagram

@zaki.mindset on Instagram

@amina.g.20 on Instagram

@hadynr on Instagram

My promise to you

If you really look at and thoroughly engage with what I’ve compiled here and don’t feel that you’ve had your mind blown, paradigm shifted, or even just learned something new and valuable...I will honor a 14 day 100% money back guarantee.It's simple:access the keys, implement what's inside and if you aren't happy with the results... I'll gladly refund your money.Just email me at

It’s time

It’s time for you to stop living as a “would-be” high performer and actually start living as one.It’s time for you to stop struggling with staying organized, implementing what you learn, and making little to no progress and finally take the powers of your time into your own hands.It’s time for you to learn the knowledge and techniques elite entrepreneurs, artists, and mystics use to leverage optimized structure, effective learning, and deliberate practice.Let today be the day you choose to take a step toward a life of richness, fullness, and absolute abundance.

Take the Key and unlock the Gates of Time

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Am I actually someone that can benefit from learning about this?

Everyone, regardless of who they are, benefits from learning to master structure, learning, and practice.Better structure guides you and helps you make more effective use of your time, knowing how to learn makes what you learn infinitely more useful, and having a deliberate practice allows you to continuously produce results from your hard work.Anyone and everyone can benefit from learning how to tap into these powers.

+ What if this information is brand new to me?

You're exactly who this is for.I wrote this specifically with the beginner in mind.Anyone already familiar with this information can benefit as well, but if these concepts are entirely new to you, the Key of Time is an excellent place for you to start learning.

+ I'm an entrepreneur, how can this information help me in my business?

I genuinely feel sorry for any entrepreneur that doesn't take these ideas, principles, concepts, and techniques presented here seriously.If you don't have a highly-personalized structure that works for you, you'll be all over the place in your personal and professional life. If you don't know how to implement what you learn, you can't turn that knowledge into power. And if you don't have a dedicated practice that continuously elevates your productive output, you won't be capable of reaching your highest potential or fulfilling your purpose.The key of time will give you a significant and noticeable edge in your entrepreneurial journey, regardless of the business you're building.

+ Will I actually be able to apply this to my daily life?

Absolutely. I wanted to make sure that the information presented here was not only educational, but highly actionable as well.You'll be able to implement these ideas and techniques in your daily life right away if you so choose.

+ What makes you qualified to teach me about structure, learning, and practice?

I've been learning, implementing, and experimenting with this information for over a decade now.I know it works because I made it work on myself first. It's allowed me to create a life of fulfilment, abundance, and success.Through my brand and business, I've enriched the lives of hundreds of thousands with my content and have worked directly with dozens of highly satisfied clients over my years of teaching, guiding, and consulting.

+ What if I buy it and don't like it?

If you really don't find any value in this information, if you go through this guide and it truly doesn't influence or impact your life for the better, I will fully honor a 100% 14 day money back guarantee.If the information I have to offer isn't valuable to you, I don't believe in keeping the money you gave in exchange for it. It's as simple as that.

+ Have another question?

You can DM me directly on Twitter or Instagram or email me at

There is no such thing as coincidence...

You found yourself here for a reason.The Key of Time is right in front of you, waiting for you to unlock your best possible future.So I’ll ask you one last time…Will you continue to choose the way that isn't working?Or will you choose to take the key?

This quick and easy 10-minute exercise will bring you one step closer to mastering your time…

Learn to harness the infinite potential of time through optimized structure, effective learning, and deliberate practice in order to create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

What if you woke up tomorrow and could suddenly…

  • Amplify what you're able to get out of each and every day

  • Increase your knowledge and expertise in any high-value fields of your choice

  • Enhance your productive output and maximize the quality of your results

What if instead of tomorrow, you could do it today?Take your first step onto the Path of Time...Enter your email below and I’ll send you the guide for free.

"If you're someone who needs to create an effective productive framework, or someone who already ha one and simply wants to enhance it, this guide is for you."@alexisventureiraa on Instagram

Thank you

Your free guide is on its way to your inbox - look for an email titled Your Access to the Path of Time.If you don't see it after a few minutes, make sure you check your spam and promotions folder.But before you do any of that, I’m gonna let you in on a little secret…There’s actually a treasure lying in wait at the end of the path of time.It’s a special key that will unlock what I like to call the three gates of time - structure, learning, and practice.Normally I wouldn’t do this, but since you’re here… I’m gonna offer you an option to quick-travel right to the treasure (I’ll even throw in a special 33% discount).

Special Offer: Get the key of time for $22 (33% off)

For would-be high performers who are tired of struggling with staying organized, implementing what they learn, and making little to no progress...

For would-be high performers who are tired of struggling with limiting self-talk, directionless uncertainty, and maintaining deep focus…

Uncover what world-class entrepreneurs, artists, and mystics all know about using optimized structure, effective learning, and deliberate practice to beat impossible odds and live remarkable lives

Learn the unique “master-key” system that will teach you easy-to-use techniques
that let you bend reality in your favor in as little as 15 minutes a day.

Every day, you make a series of choices...

And with every choice you make, entering a new version of reality and becoming a better version of you becomes possible.So if you woke up tomorrow and started choosing wisely you would...✅ Know exactly what you need to do on a daily basis to accomplish your goals✅ Make use of high-value information to create high-value content, products, and services✅ Get better and better at sharpening the skills that will allow you to finally escape the MatrixBut if you’re here reading this, chances are that “would-be” version of you isn’t who you are now.Something about the way you’re living (and who you’re being) isn’t working, which means you likely...❌ Wake up struggling to know what you need to do or how you need to do it❌ Don't know where you need to look or what you need to learn to improve your situation❌ Feel like you're constantly running in place, never really moving forward and always feeling stuckIf this is who you are now…If what I’m saying sounds uncomfortably familiar…Then you have some changes to make.Because right now the only thing standing in the way of everything you’ve ever wanted… is YOU.And you might hide from that truth, even run from it, but at the end of the day, you can’t deny it.You know it’s impossible to create a life of fulfillment, wealth, and absolute abundance without a success-driven structure, intentional learning, and a highly-productive practice.

Now you're probably thinking “easier said than done…” right?

And I get that –– it feels like the gap between who you are now and who you could be is like a deep chasm with no bridge...Like forces beyond your control are conspiring to keep you from realizing your full potential…But the truth is, everything you think is holding you back is nothing more than an illusion.Living as a higher version of yourself, a version that naturally attracts every aspect of your dream life, isn’t as hard as it seems.

In fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret…

It’s a shift you can begin to make in just a few minutes, starting today

The only difference between who you are now and the intentionally ordered, expertly capable, highly productive person you're meant to be…Is just a simple change in perception, a little bit of hidden knowledge, and a couple of small but deeply impactful choices you make every day.The truth is that there is no inherent “it” factor you need in order to live a great life.There is only a key...A key that world-class entrepreneurs, highly creative artists, and deeply gifted mystics have all used to access the powers sealed behind the 3 gates of time.Powers that are available for you to unlock at any moment...

The powers of structure, learning, and practice

You simply have to make the choice to...

Develop a conducive daily structure that keeps you aligned with your highest self and most impactful mission Make full use of the knowledge and information that will allow you to develop high-value skills as quickly as possible Engage a deliberate practice that makes staying productive and getting consistent results easy and predictableThe gates and the powers they hold are right in front of you…

The key is yours to take...The only question is… Will you choose to take it?


The Key of Time

The Key of Time blends the best of what powerful ancient wisdom and modern high-performance techniques have to offer.Giving you unrestricted access to the unconventional but highly effective methods the top 1% across every industry use to...

Implement structures that accelerate personal and professional success.

Discover what knowledge is worth learning and implementing it with the least amount of time and energy possible.

Cultivate masterful performance within their day-to-day practice.

What you’ll find inside the gates...

The Key of Time opens the three gates of time: structure, learning, and practiceThrough these three gates, you’ll unlock amazing abilities that have always been inside of you (without having to meditate for 30 straight days or spend years of your life studying).

Inside the Gate of Structure

  • Understanding the benefit of creating structure that accelerates personal and professional development

  • Using structure as a tool for self-analysis and conscious living through discovering your beneficial and detrimental patterns of behavior

  • Hijacking your brain's dopamine-reward system through gamifying your structure and making routine effortlessly enjoyable

Inside the Gate of Learning

  • The importance of knowing what to learn and shortening the amount of time and energy it takes to discover it

  • Understanding learning how to learn as the masters skill, and how it improves your development in every area of life

  • The importance of consciously engaging with what you learn, actively applying it as soon as possible, and embracing mistakes

Inside the Gate of Practice

  • Practice as a means of cultivating self discovery and creating deeper internal and external understanding

  • The importance of deliberate practice and setting the intention of masterful performance within your practice

  • Practice as a means of inspiring miracles and collapsing probability in favor of your ideal

Of course, that isn't all...

Most of the above information can’t be found by a casual google or youtube search, and would be enough value by itself for me to triple the price of this offer.But I believe that everyone should not only have easy access to the knowledge of these powers but also access to simple techniques that will teach you how to wield these powers to experience results immediately.That's why I've decided to include 3 bonus exercises for each gate (that's 9 bonus exercises total).These bonus exercises come with detailed instructions that will walk you through what to do step-by-step and eliminate any guesswork.And the best part? I'm including these at absolutely no extra cost...

Gate of Structure bonus exercises:

1. The SPRINT Method
2. Solar and Lunar Activation
3. Dedicated Decompression Days

Gate of Learning bonus exercises:

1. Informational Matrix
2. High Value Skill Set Matrix
3. Active Engagement and Application

Gate of Practice bonus exercises:

1. Fundamental Engagement
2. Consistent Challenge Escalation
3. Scorched Earth Advancement

So what’s the price for changing the trajectory of your life forever..?

Much of the information presented within the Key of Time has only recently come to light.Some of it was even guarded for hundreds and in some cases thousands of years.In fact, it wasn’t uncommon for one to pay with their very life for daring to share this information with anyone outside of the highly selective inner circles.Needless to say, someone else who was inspired to create a similar offer could be justified charging hundreds, even thousands of dollars for the same information.But not me.I want to make this information as accessible to as many people as possible.That's because I genuinely believe that the path to saving the world and each other is found through becoming the highest possible version of ourselves.That’s why the Key of Time doesn’t cost thousands, hundreds, or even $50 dollars.

The Key of Time is priced after the master number

...Which is normally $33But today you can get it for only $22 (That’s also a master number by the way, and 33% off 😉)So everyone can become the highest possible version of themselves.

(33% off already applied)

But don't take my word for it...

See what others who have opened the gates have to say

@lukas.official on Instagram

@jweesey on Instagram

@mattkhead on Instagram

@alexisventureiraa on Instagram

@nicojck on Instagram

@rudrarudraya on Instagram

@cindyhxy on Instagram

@zaki.mindset on Instagram

@amina.g.20 on Instagram

@hadynr on Instagram

My promise to you

If you really look at and thoroughly engage with what I’ve compiled here and don’t feel that you’ve had your mind blown, paradigm shifted, or even just learned something new and valuable...I will honor a 14 day 100% money back guarantee.It's simple:access the keys, implement what's inside and if you aren't happy with the results... I'll gladly refund your money.Just email me at

(33% off already applied)

It’s time

It’s time for you to stop living as a “would-be” high performer and actually start living as one.It’s time for you to stop struggling with staying organized, implementing what you learn, and making little to no progress and finally take the powers of your time into your own hands.It’s time for you to learn the knowledge and techniques elite entrepreneurs, artists, and mystics use to leverage optimized structure, effective learning, and deliberate practice.Let today be the day you choose to take a step toward a life of richness, fullness, and absolute abundance.

Take the Key and unlock the Gates of Time

(33% off already applied)

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Am I actually someone that can benefit from learning about this?

Everyone, regardless of who they are, benefits from learning to master structure, learning, and practice.Better structure guides you and helps you make more effective use of your time, knowing how to learn makes what you learn infinitely more useful, and having a deliberate practice allows you to continuously produce results from your hard work.Anyone and everyone can benefit from learning how to tap into these powers.

+ What if this information is brand new to me?

You're exactly who this is for.I wrote this specifically with the beginner in mind.Anyone already familiar with this information can benefit as well, but if these concepts are entirely new to you, the Key of Time is an excellent place for you to start learning.

+ I'm an entrepreneur, how can this information help me in my business?

I genuinely feel sorry for any entrepreneur that doesn't take these ideas, principles, concepts, and techniques presented here seriously.If you don't have a highly-personalized structure that works for you, you'll be all over the place in your personal and professional life. If you don't know how to implement what you learn, you can't turn that knowledge into power. And if you don't have a dedicated practice that continuously elevates your productive output, you won't be capable of reaching your highest potential or fulfilling your purpose.The key of time will give you a significant and noticeable edge in your entrepreneurial journey, regardless of the business you're building.

+ Will I actually be able to apply this to my daily life?

Absolutely. I wanted to make sure that the information presented here was not only educational, but highly actionable as well.You'll be able to implement these ideas and techniques in your daily life right away if you so choose.

+ What makes you qualified to teach me about structure, learning, and practice?

I've been learning, implementing, and experimenting with this information for over a decade now.I know it works because I made it work on myself first. It's allowed me to create a life of fulfilment, abundance, and success.Through my brand and business, I've enriched the lives of hundreds of thousands with my content and have worked directly with dozens of highly satisfied clients over my years of teaching, guiding, and consulting.

+ What if I buy it and don't like it?

If you really don't find any value in this information, if you go through this guide and it truly doesn't influence or impact your life for the better, I will fully honor a 100% 14 day money back guarantee.If the information I have to offer isn't valuable to you, I don't believe in keeping the money you gave in exchange for it. It's as simple as that.

+ Have another question?

You can DM me directly on Twitter or Instagram or email me at

There is no such thing as coincidence...

You found yourself here for a reason.The Key of Time is right in front of you, waiting for you to unlock your best possible future.So I’ll ask you one last time…Will you continue to choose the way that isn't working?Or will you choose to take the key?

(33% off already applied)

Thank you for your purchase

Check your inbox for your next steps - you should see an email titled Your Access to the Key of Time.If you don't see anything after a few minutes, make sure you check your spam and promotions folder.But before you do...I have a special offer for you.You see, the Key of Time is only one of six keys in a series designed to help you optimize all areas of your life.The Key of Mind will teach you how to master thought, clarity, and flow.The Key of Heart will teach you how to master emotion, intuition, and connection.The Key of Health will teach you how to master nutrition, movement, and energy.The Key of Soul will teach you how to master stillness, ritual, and experience.The Key of Wealth will teach you how to master creativity, money, and freedom.This is the complete Six Key System.You already have the Key of Time, but you can get immediate access to the other five keys right now for a special bundle discount (You save $99 - that's 50% OFF).

Get the complete Six Key System for only $198 $99

(Your purchase of the Key of Time will be reflected at checkout - you will never pay for anything twice.)

Your final offer...

It's okay if the Six Key System wasn't for you...But just in case, I wanted to give you one last special offer:Here's your chance to access the three Keys of Purpose.Add the Key of Soul and Key of Wealth to your order for a 33% discount.

Get the Keys of Purpose for only $99 $66

(Your purchase of the Key of Time will be reflected at checkout - you will never pay for anything twice.)

Thank you for your purchase

You'll need to check your inbox one last time for an email titled Your Access to the Key of Time.If you don't see anything after a few minutes, make sure you check your spam and promotions folder.